What is Main Line MUFON?
A part of the Mutual UFO Network, MUFON is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the scientific research of the UFO (unidentified flying object) phenomena for the benefit of humanity. Main Line MUFON’s focus is education and public outreach, providing free monthly programs at the Tredyffrin Public Library, and more recently on line Via U - Tube during the Covid - 19 pandemic restrictions.
We have grown this past year and now help support UFO lectures and events in New Jersey with MUFON New Jersey. To learn more about these programs see UFO Events New Jersey link to the left.
Our Mission
Learn More Main Line MUFON Television : Video Link Main Line Public Television
One of the oldest and largest UFO organizations in the United States, MUFON's mission is the scientific investigation and study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.
The organization was established as the Midwest UFO Network in Quincy Illinois, on May 30, 1969, by Walter H. Andrus, Allen Utke, John Schuessler, and other scientific-minded researchers.
The organization's name was soon changed to The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as interest grew when people began to join from all over the planet. The organization now has more than 3,000 members worldwide, with a majority of its membership base situated in the continental United States. Over 300 of our members are PhD’s and many are retired military with firsthand knowledge and UFO experience.
MUFON operates a worldwide network of regional directors with 800 Certified field investigators that investigate UFO reports that are made to MUFON International. MUFON holds annual international conferences and publishes the monthly MUFON UFO Journal.
The Mutual UFO Network provides opportunities for those seriously interested in the topic to train for volunteer positions with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as Certified Field Investigators. If you interested in training, please contact Pennsylvania John J. Doucette our Chief Investigator for Pennsylvania thru MUFON PA